
Within the "Roxanne" swimsuit line, we currently have 4 groups of similar swimsuit styles
Please select a group of styles you would like to browse through.
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Maui Tropic

Maui Tropic


Paradise Island

Paradise Island


Roxanne on Safari

Roxanne on Safari


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Surfside Sportswear & Gifts, Inc.
314 New River Dr.
Surf City, NC 28445
Phone (910) 328-4141 FAX (910) 328-4460

Items may be returned with in 2 weeks from date of purchase as long as the tags are still on.
We ship any where in the USA and Canada
Once your credit card is verified you should have your order in 3-5 days.
For questions about any lines please . Be sure to list the brand you are talking about.
We are only a retailer not the Manufacturer.
Sorry No printed Catalogs available only the web site.