Surfside has a large selections of Gifts, Home Decor and Collectiables.

Applause Enesco Fitz and Floyd Shell Filled Lamps
Geo Lefton Lighthouses John Perry Lighthouses Cardigans Roman



enlogo.gif (2013 bytes)

blgrupdoll.JPG (25470 bytes)brgrupdoll.JPG (22958 bytes)

Blonde or Brunette  New Baby to Age 16 & Bride

New Baby  $8.99 Age 6      $8.99 Age 12  $13.99
Age 1  $6.99 Age 7      $9.99 Age 13 $15.99
Age 2  $6.99 Age 8    $10.99 Age 14  $19.99
Age 3  $7.99 Age 9    $11.99 Age 15  $20.99
Age 4  $7.99 Age 10  $12.99 Age 16  $28.99
Age 5  $8.99 Age 11  $13.99 Age 16 Musical   $38.99
Bride    $40.99


applause dolls.JPG (26120 bytes)

New Baby to Age 21

New Baby  $ 10.99 Age 7    $16.99 Age 15  $22.99
Age 1  $10.99 Age 8    $16.99 Age 16  $23.99
Age 2  $11.99 Age 9    $17.99 Age 17  $23.99
Age 3  $12.99 Age 10  $18.99 Age 18  $24.99
Age 4  $12.99 Age 11  $19.99 Age 19  $24.99
Age 5  $14.99 Age 12  $20.99 Age 20  $24.99
Age 6  $14.99 Age 13  $20.99 Age 21  $24.99
Age 14  $21.99

Fitz & Floyd

Fine China

Lighthouse Cardigans

Eastern States


Banded bottom

Blue Collar



lthouseswtsh.JPG (18020 bytes) Art Unlimited

Straight bottom

Black Collar



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We ship any where in the USA for $4.50 (up to 3 swimsuits, 1 pair of shoes for $4.50)

once your credit card is verified you should have your order in 3 days.

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We are only a retailer not the Manufacturer.

Sorry No printed Catalogs available only the web site.

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Painted Pony Jkts

Page 2 of Painted Pony Jkts

Painted Pony Christmas Jkts


Apperal Vetures
club del sol
It Figures
Robby Len
Tommy Bahama
Sun Protection Apparel
Solar Veil
Via Marina


Sperry Topsider

Tommy Bahama

Nike Sandles


M. Shields


John Perry
Lighthouse Cardigans
Shell Lamps
Lefton Lighthouses

Patch Magic Quilts

Surfside Sportswear & Gifts, Inc.
PO Box 2220
314 New River Dr
Surf City, NC 28445

Phone: 910-328-4141
Fax 910-328-4460

PO Box 2220
314 New River Dr
Surf City, NC 28445

Phone: 910-328-4141
Fax 910-328-4460
Store Hours

9:30-5:00 EST

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